If you or your loved one has allergies and/or chemical sensitivities we can help! Our Unfinished Closets are completely chemical free. You do not have to apply a finish to our closet. We have thousands of installations throughout the US with "Unfinished" Lundia. These are for our commercial clients such as JC Penny, Macy's, Cost Plus World Market and more. Many of these installations are over 30 years old, so they are time tested! Solid Wood will never break down or degrade. The only thing that can and will happen is that the color may age to a browner color over time. Unfinished material is also more susceptible to dust and dirty fingerprints. Lastly, you are welcome to purchase our Lundia Unfinished and apply a finish material that you prefer. We offer a free wood sample to evaluate if you are allergic or sensitive to our solid wood material. Just call us to request an unfinished sample. We welcome any questions you may have.
IMPORTANT: If you are still concerned about any chemical materials, you also have the option to purchase our modular systems Unfinished Sanded Smooth. You do not have to finish our Solid Wood Products. They will last you a lifetime. In fact, most of our commercial installations throughout the US are all Unfinished (Going back over 50 years to the early 1960's). You also have the option of applying your own finish.
I have a high chemical sensitivity, probably worse than most who
have diagnosed. I am literally a human bloodhound for chemicals!
At one point I actually believed what others were telling me,
"you're crazy, I don't smell anything"! Thats is what I was told
by everyone including my own husband. I thought that the doc who
diagnosed me was also nuts!
Until one day I smelled gas so strong on the side of my house I
almost passed out. Four people came out to smell the gas but no
one could smell it. Again I was told I was crazy...I sat and
cried. But I heard a voice tell me to call the gas company.
Which I did...they evacuated our home and the entire block.
There was a bad leak!!!
The wood from Lundia was totally fine.
I did not get any reaction to it at all....and believe me if
there were any chemical off gas, this human bloodhound would
smell it!!
I wish there were more companies that made products chemical
free...the way nature intended!
Nancy Y. Peach Tree City, Georgia
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