
Current News on Formaldhyde

Science academy backs EPA view that formaldehyde causes cancer

“It’s my understanding that the EPA has finalized its conclusion that formaldehyde causes leukemia and other cancers,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) told Pruitt. The EPA chief responded: “You know, my understanding is similar to yours.”

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EPA Report confirms that Formaldehyde causes Cancer

Formaldehyde is commonly found in the adhesives that hold together composite wood products found in cabinets and other furniture

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Risks of Formaldehyde Exposure

Studies in humans have shown an association between formaldehyde exposure and cancer of the nasal sinuses and the nasopharynx

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EPA Draws Link Between Low-Dose Formaldehyde Exposure and Cancer

U.S. EPA announces it will officially designate that Formaldehyde causes cancer, even in low doses over long periods of time....
...EPA’s 2018 National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) data, formaldehyde is one of the three air pollutants responsible for over 90 percent of the cancer risk related to air pollution in over a hundred census tracts...

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Exposure to formaldehyde is linked to cognitive problems

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From the US EPA: What should I know about Formaldehyde and Indoor Air Quality?

In homes, the most significant sources of formaldehyde are likely to be pressed wood products made using adhesives that contain urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins.... Medium density fiberboard contains a higher resin-to-wood ratio than any other UF pressed wood product and is generally recognized as being the highest formaldehyde-emitting pressed wood product....
...In homes with significant amounts of new pressed wood products, levels can be three times the amount of older homes.

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