Terms & Conditions
Important Terms & Conditions:
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that there is a 24 hour cancellation window on your order. LundiaUSA products are all made-to-order at our factory. Orders can only be cancelled if written notice is received within 24 hours of your order. Orders entered during the week, will usually start production on the next business day. Orders entered over the weekend or a holiday will usually start production on the next business day. If you have any doubts or concerns, please call us to assist you in reviewing your order before it is placed. Cancellation cannot and will not be accepted after the 24 hour window as manufacturing of your specific order will have begun.
Return Policy:
All of our products are made to order. Nothing is stocked as we have thousands of size and finish combinations. Due to this and the custom nature of our products, we do not offer returns. However, your satisfaction is paramount to us. If you are unsatisfied in any way with our product, please contact us immediately so that we can make it right for you
Shipping Policy:
IMPORTANT: We ship via UPS, FEDEX and by Truck. On Truck shipments, trucking companies ship "Drop Ship", meaning they will drop it at the front of your address. It's best that you be there to receive it. We can assist in trying to coordinate the delivery, but unfortunately we really have no control over the trucking companies (As much as we would like to!). Trucking companies will NOT deliver to your garage, your porch or inside your home. If you MUST have a special delivery, please call us and we can share what other options you may have.
We accept most major credit cards, check or bank wire. Checks must clear our bank before production/shipping. Payments are made at the time of order.
Production/Lead Time:
Your Lundia system will be handcrafted in our factory after your order is placed. For your safety and our employee’s safety we have COVID-19 policies and procedures in place. This can and will have an effect on lead times. Please note the following: We will need approximately 8 to 10 weeks to manufacture your solid wood closet. We will then need an additional 5 to 10 business days to carefully package and prep your order for shipping. Therefore allow 10 to 12 weeks to ship. This does not include shipping transit times from our facility in Southern California. Your final invoice with tracking information will be emailed once your order is shipped.
Your order comes with a lifetime warranty.
Click here to see our Lifetime Warranty Details