Solid Wood Closets, No Toxic Formaldehyde, Made in America

Solid wood closet organizers made with real solid wood. Our real wood closet wardrobes and organizers are available in 9 finish options and hundreds of size combinations. Our solid wood closet material comes directly from the forest. No particle board, only the best real wood closet systems.

What Our Closets are Made From...

Select lumber is cut, milled and assembled into solid wood frames, shelves and drawers.

Log Being Cut

Lumber is Cut

Log Being Cut

Lumber is Milled

Log Being Cut

Our Material

Log Being Cut

Real Solid Wood

What Most Other Closets are Made From...

Wood is shredded into small chunks, mixed with Formaldehyde glue, baked to form a panel and covered with paper or plastic that looks like wood.

Log Being Cut

Chunks of wood

Log Being Cut

Formaldehyde Glue

Log Being Cut

Bonds the Particles

Log Being Cut

Baked into Panels

Log Being Cut

Fake Wood Print

Log Being Cut

Looks Real

Log Being Cut

Look Closer

Log Being Cut

Particle Board

Discover more about Lundia USA...

We are unlike any other closet manufacturer in the world


Get the facts for yourself about Carb Complaint Melamine/Particle Board:

Used by nearly every other major closet manufacturer, melamine/particle board was found to be causing cancer by the California EPA (Actual stats are listed below). Carb Complaint Melamine was created as a compromise between the Wood Composites Industry and the California EPA to REDUCE the amount of Cancer Cases, NOT ELIMINATE them. Today's Carb Complaint board is still made with Formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is the glue that bonds all the chunks of wood together. Carb Complaint Melamine Particle Board REDUCES the amount of Cancer cases by 35 to 97 cases per million. It does NOT ELIMINATE the risk. Because of the REDUCTION, this is now considered to be an "Acceptable Risk".
We work with clients that don't want any risk with the wood material that goes into their closet (The most confined space in your home)
Here are the facts (All of this is publically documented):

*Link to Document: California EPA REPORT

*Link to document on CA EPA Website

We believe it should be up to consumers to determine the risks.

We believe manufacturer's should list the Ingredients in their products.

Why is it that 90% of other closet manufacturer's don't even list the actual materials used in their production?

Girl eating salad Healthy Families

Letter from one of our Clients with High Chemical Sensitivity:

I have a high chemical sensitivity, probably worse than most who have diagnosed. I am literally a human bloodhound for chemicals! At one point I actually believed what others were telling me, "you're crazy, I don't smell anything"! Thats is what I was told by everyone including my own husband. I thought that the doc who diagnosed me was also nuts! Until one day I smelled gas so strong on the side of my house I almost passed out. Four people came out to smell the gas but no one could smell it. Again I was told I was crazy...I sat and cried. But I heard a voice tell me to call the gas company. Which I did...they evacuated our home and the entire block. There was a bad leak!!!

The wood from Lundia was totally fine. I did not get any reaction to it at all....and believe me if there were any chemical off gas, this human bloodhound would smell it!! I wish there were more companies that made products chemical free...the way nature intended!

Nancy Y.   Peach Tree City, Georgia

Still considering a Carb Compliant Melamine Closet?

Google: "Does Formaldehyde cause Cancer?
Then Google: "Does Particle Board contain Formaldehyde?
See For Yourself...